Then what am I striving for?
For high-achievers, there is an incessant yearning for a more cutting edge, a desire to embrace the fierce currents of competition that flow through life. But staying afloat in rocky seas can get tiring.
And, if you’re cerebral, a sense of uncertainty can linger, and the path can veer from analysis into overthinking. Understanding more about how the world works can be, well, a bit denuding. You may start to question if the pursuit or relationships you have are still aligned with the true essence of your original values and vision. Maybe you’re unsure of where your current values and goals even stand.
Successes have been won, accomplishments attained, and yet, the realization dawns that things have not unfolded as anticipated.
Maybe things have even gone better than expected, and you want to make sure you capitalize on the occasion. Maybe you are a bit overwhelmed about what’s next, but can’t let anyone know that. Maybe you want to change course entirely but aren’t sure how.
You’re ready to believe in yourself and the future again. Yet, a subtle dissatisfaction with the status quo separates you from others.
Maybe you’ve tried executive coaching, yoga, therapy, drinking more, working longer or less, thinking about it differently, hoping for the best, or even just avoiding dealing with it. Some things have helped, yet, here you are.
In this vast online wilderness, you may just have found what you are looking for all along. Our psychological approach is not only fresh but evidence-based and tailored for people just like you.
The Circles We Travel
SENS has helped hundreds of people from companies and agencies such as these

Why Choose SENS?

First of all, no one is the best psychologist for everybody. Our clients find that while they want someone who is an excellent listener, they are more interested in results. At SENS we are a good fit for entrepreneurs, high-achievers, over-thinkers, over-workers, and creatives. We are not going to insult your intelligence with a simplistic view of things or basic advice you can read anywhere or hear from anyone.
Here, we combine an avid intellect with a keen understanding of human nature. We don’t provide rah-rah cliché canned advice or programs, and we don’t push our own agenda. We figure out what it is that you really want (which may be different than you think) and what’s holding you back, both internally and in the environment. If it’s a system in DC or globally, we are an expert on it—the benefit of hearing the real stories from lots of power players. Then, we take this knowledge to help you grow more than you could have imagined.
You get all the credit—we are there behind the scenes making it easier and smoothing out the rough edges. We think outside the box and there isn’t a lot we won’t help with.
First of all, no one is the best psychologist for everybody. Our clients find that while they want someone who is an excellent listener, they are more interested in results. At SENS we are a good fit for entrepreneurs, high-achievers, over-thinkers, over-workers, and creatives. We are not going to insult your intelligence with a simplistic view of things or basic advice you can read anywhere or hear from anyone.
Here, we combine an avid intellect with a keen understanding of human nature. We don’t provide rah-rah cliché canned advice or programs, and we don’t push our own agenda. We figure out what it is that you really want (which may be different than you think) and what’s holding you back, both internally and in the environment. If it’s a system in DC or globally, we are an expert on it—the benefit of hearing the real stories from lots of power players. Then, we take this knowledge to help you grow more than you could have imagined.
You get all the credit—we are there behind the scenes making it easier and smoothing out the rough edges. We think outside the box and there isn’t a lot we won’t help with.

Who we help
What People Are Saying

“Just what I needed”
“I knew that I couldn’t keep going down the same path. But I didn’t know what to do next. I just wish that I had come in sooner.“
SENS Client

“Immediate relief”
“Everyone told me, real progress on anxiety takes time. But, as weird as it is, I felt better after the first session.“
SENS Client

“I found someone who actually understands what I am going through. And it finally feels easier.“
SENS Client

“Real change”
“I was tired of just talking about things. Now, I feel like I know what to do, and have someone who will actually make sure I follow-though.“
SENS Client
i.e. “Street Cred”—Everything sounds more important in Latin, right?
- 100% of licensed clinical staff have a Ph.D. or Psy.D. with training completed at an APA-accredited university
- 3rd generation trained in direct line of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy founder, Aaron Beck, with in-depth training in Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis
- Committed to investigating and disseminating scientific knowledge including authorship of 7 published research papers
- Founder conducted research through, supervised labs at, and taught courses at an R1 research institution
- Recognition among peers through Prestigious awards including the Jeanne C. Mellinger Award—Psychology’s highest annual award presented for demonstration of exceptional achievement
- Attended numerous invitation-only symposia to present research findings

you need someone of your caliber
The good news is: there are lots of things that work. The bad news is: a good psychologist is like a good architect or interior designer—there is a lot of variability in the quality. And this is contingent on many things. First of all, the training & the skill-set. But also: the eye and the vision.
If your psychologist or coach doesn’t have the right vision for you, you’re going to hate the results. You’ll spend more time going through the motions than enjoying the progress. There’s a fancy word for this: it’s called the working alliance. And this bond and shared vision is so consequential to the outcome. If what you have read so far resonates—you’re in the exact right place—whew!
You’ve risen this far.
Now own it!

HQ: 800 Maine Ave SW, Suite 200, Washington DC 20024
New York City | West Palm Peach
202.984.0081 |