
Senior Associate: Dr. Budreau

The Right Mix

As a relationship and trauma expert, I have found that there is just no more powerful combination than matching clinical expertise and rigorous doctoral-level training with the raw empathy of lived experience.

I have had the opportunity during my over 10 years practicing psychotherapy to help individuals as well as couples with concerns as unique and complex as they are. However, I find myself often drawn to motivated individuals who are really stuck, maybe unsure why they are burned out, or more anxious than they used to be. They want to be stronger in their relationships and with their sense of self, heal from their heartbreak or trauma, and just feel like themselves again.

Experience Matters

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and have received the highest level of training in evidence-based treatments that a therapist can have. As a doctorate-level professional, I have provided therapy for a myriad of people in diverse settings. I have proudly worked with veterans at the Veterans Health Administration, college students in a university counseling center, patients in a forensic state hospital, and am now blessed to be working at our boutique private practice. I specialize in assisting high achieving professionals, students, and creatives just like yourself in revisualizing their approach to problems and cultivating the lifestyle they have always wanted, but may be feeling too bogged down, confused or exhausted to have.

Keeping It Real

So many of the people I speak to are feeling a sense of overwhelming exhaustion from life and are struggling to understand why. I can help you dig into the many factors, both current and past,  subconscious and from your daily thought loop. I know life is tough and change is easier said than done.  I have three young kids, and, while I feel incredibly blessed, I am also acutely aware of how exhausting parenting can be. I have been through marital hardship and know how difficult it can be to find the right words when all you want to say are the wrong ones. I, myself, am a recovering overachiever who is fully guilty of working too many late nights, refusing to leave a task until it is finished, and falsely equating truly earned leisure time with laziness.

I share my experience because I want you to know that I bring more to the table than just clinical expertise and rigorous training; I have also been in your shoes. All of us have endured stress at some point during our academic and professional careers and it’s probably safe to say that things like a pandemic, international wars, pressing issues like climate change, and uncertainty in everything from the stock market to the workplace experience can exacerbate stress. I get it and I am here to help. My approach is one of authenticity and (when appropriate) humor, to encourage my clients to feel as comfortable with me as they would a lifelong friend.

Lightning Round

French Fries or Onion Rings?

French fries. I like to think of myself as a French Fry connoisseur.

Ideal Vacation Location

Anywhere with a beach, clear water, and no crowds! The more secluded, the better.

Favorite Part of the Day

Morning . I love enjoying a cup of coffee before I go on a run or hit the gym. Having this buffer period to help me wake up and center myself really helps before a busy day of seeing patients.

What is the most interesting thing on your desk?

A figurine of a golden dog meditating. It is silly, but also reminds me to take a mindful approach throughout my day.

Mountains or beach?

Beach 110%.

What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of?

I have somehow managed to keep three small humans fed, dressed, and (mostly) happy for the last six years. I love being a mom, but some days are more challenging than others!

Do you have any hidden or unique talents?

I was once a formally trained vocalist. Please do not ask me to sing because I will immediately try into a roly-poly of a human. 

If you were a canned food item, what would it be?

It would have to be baby dill pickles. I have no explanation as to why. 

Favorite dish to cook?

California-style Baja fish tacos. 

Neutrals or bright?

Neutrals. I feel like the life I have cultivated is practically neon so I have to surround myself with soft shades to balance it out.

What was your first job?

I worked the cash register and answered phones at Papa John’s Pizza.

Favorite book ever?

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown.

Favorite class you took in high school / college?

Interpersonal Relationships because I was fascinated by the research on how we connect with one another.

Would you rather give up butter or cheese?

Butter. I am from the Midwest so you would have to pry the cheese away from my cold, dead fingers.

Favorite celebrity crush?

Chris Hemsworth.

Savory or sweet?


Maximalist or minimalist (or, as Freud would say, anal expulsive or anal retentive)?

I like to keep a tidy, organized space, but I also like loud accent pieces so…both??

Guilty pleasure?

Getting into bed at 6 PM on a Sunday night and binging TV shows with my husband until we fall asleep at 9:30 PM. Sexy, I know.

What would you do in a zombie apocalypse?

Take my family and head immediately to my doomsday arsenal full of zombie fighting weaponry, canned baby dill pickles as well as preserved cheeses, and high-tech communication devices. I was ready for this. 

What is one thing you could not go a day without?

A toothbrush. Bad breath is very upsetting to me. 

Snow mobile or 4-wheeler?

Neither. They terrify me.