Book club


Whether you are a tried-and-true bibliophile, occasional bookworm, or just like analyzing different topics with friends? Welcome!


Whether you are a tried-and-true bibliophile, occasional bookworm, or just like analyzing different topics with friends? Welcome!

Our Book Club is fun weeknight treat, where we meet to discuss and probe the psychological elements of fiction and non-fiction titles. Together, we get out of our own head and welcome new characters into our lives. 

Do you love to read or wish you could read more?

Join Dr. Britt—herself an avid lifelong reader—for cerebral and intimate conversations that will speak to or awaken your inner bibliophile! This is NOT your typical book club focusing on textual analysis. Instead, we read a wide array of often underappreciated books (both fiction and non-fiction) from a wide-angle psychological perspective. Dr. Britt draws on her decades of clinical experience to illuminate deep elements of plot and character that often go unnoticed. She shows you how the psychological themes of the book apply in your own life and in the world around you. Her perspective will help you get more out of your reading experiences and translate them into your everyday life: more empathy, more humor, more call to action, more poignancy & gratitude. This club is a personal favorite of Dr. Britt’s and her love of books and reading is infectious! 

Attention college English & Psychology majors, writers, actors and future therapists: Dr. Britt has both technical expertise and an electrifying presence that you will not encounter anywhere else in your education—don’t miss this opportunity to inform & shape your craft. 


What is it?

An intimate group of like-minded individuals who love to connect and grow through meaningful activities like sharing a darn good book together.  

What kinds of books do you read? 

We read all kinds of books! Together, we will explore and discuss fiction, non-fiction, self-help, cookbooks, and more.  

How do you decide which books to read? 

We choose the books based on what they can add to our lives; and we select titles that will make our inner and outer experiences just a little bit richer. Sometimes a book is a transformative escape, other times we benefit from the unique perspective of an author from a different background or gender, and sometimes we learn ways to improve our lives. 

Who picks the books? 

The books are lovingly chosen by our founder, Dr. Britt. We also love a killer suggestion from a book members. So, we always allow room for recommendations for interesting titles that may be beyond our radar. Loyal members also have an opportunity to co-host a book if they recommend it! 

What will we talk about? 

  • How accurately did the narrative portray human nature?
  • Were there any discrepancies between what the author wrote with what characters would actually do? Why? 
  •   What psychological truths apply to the tenets of the book and what we can learn from these 
  • Topics of debate (nature of nurture? Is trauma passed on? Can personality change?) and how they apply to the book’s characters and plot 
  • What characters did we relate to the most and what does this say about our personality? 
  • What preconceived notions and schemas did the book challenge? Where did these come from for us and how did the book alter them? 
  • Are there lessons from the book that we could apply to enrich our lives? How? 
  • How the book changed our perspective 

We won’t discuss much of: 

Literary analysis, plot foreshadowing, character development, allegory, and narrative style (you’ve probably done enough of that in school!) 

Join us.


When will you meet?

We will get together once a month on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. 

Do I have to join multiple meetings?

No, pop in when you can. No commitment.

Do I have to read the book?

No, but it’s more fun when you do.  

Where will the meetings occur?

The meetings will take place in our Community forum. The meetings will be presented by a live, interactive and intimate video talk. 

How do I participate?

You can sign up through our Community. This roundtable is just one of many features included in the Basic Membership package 

What if I can’t make it to a meeting?

Not a big deal at all, we will discuss topics through our Community Forum and you can also watch a recording of the discussion.  

What are some of the books?

Oxygen by Carol Cassella; Bitter Honey by Leticia Clark; My Year Abroad by Chang Rae Lee; Easy Beauty by Chloe Cooper Jones