Melissa Roybal

Kurt Jensen

I am so incredibly appreciative of the team around me, I hope that everyone gets the opportunity to work with a group as hardworking and talented as the SENS crew.

About Kurt

  • School: Kurt Jensen studies Psychology and Pre-Medicine at Georgetown University. He has taken high level classes in areas of study both within and external to the field of psychology. Studying biology and chemistry alongside classes in social, health, and forensic psychology has allowed Mr. Jensen to connect the underlying mechanisms of the brain to real-world psychological effects.
  • Research: Mr. Jensen is also a research associate at the Community Research Group lab at Georgetown University. Undertaking data analysis and collection, he is helping to investigate the psychological ramifications of the legal system within a diverse population in the Washington, D.C. area. Mr. Jensen has a deep connection to his community and has utilized his skills in data analysis for the betterment of his local government.
  • Why He Joined SENS: The intersection of psychology, data analytics, and advocacy made SENS a perfect match. The opportunity to work towards actionable solutions for legitimate problems that all people face while creating a community of like-minded, advocacy-oriented individuals fit perfectly into Mr. Jensen’s goals. 
  • Why You’ll Love Him: Outside of his studies and work, Kurt enjoys playing rugby on his university’s team, exploring D.C., and traveling. In the future, he would like to practice psychiatry to promote mental health support for all who need it.
  • Maximalist or Minimalist: Maximalist, all you’d have to do is glance at my desk to know that.