

Yes, it does get better!

A New-Motherhood Support Series for the High-Achiever  

An empowering three-part series where wit meets wisdom, and despair meets hope.  

Are you secretly crumbling under the “joy” of motherhood? You’re not alone, and most importantly, you’re not failing. 


yes, it does get better!

A New-Motherhood Support Series for the High-Achiever  

An empoweringthree-part series where wit meets wisdom, and despair meets hope.  

Are you secretly crumbling under the “joy” of motherhood? You’re not alone, and most importantly, you’re not failing. 

Meet your guru

 Dr. Jenna Budreau

Thriving mother of three (yes, including twins!) and an empathetic psychologist who doesn’t just “get it” but has lived it. 

Session 1: Embrace the Chaos

You Might Despise Being a New Mom – And That’s Perfectly Normal

  • Understand the New Normal: Losing your identity amidst diapers and incessant cries? Explore the redefinition of self amidst the chaos.  
  • Shatter the Guilt: Your career skyrocketed because you controlled the trajectory. Now, not so much. Learn to embrace imperfection without guilt.  

Session 2: Embrace the Chaos

Help is Not Always Helpful, and That’s Okay!

  • Set Boundaries: The world suddenly has a lot of parenting advice and visiting relatives for you. Discern the helpful from the harmful with grace and assertiveness.  
  • Help ≠ Criticism: It’s easy to feel attacked when help translates into criticism. Master the art of accepting help without losing your sense of self. 

Session 3: Love In The Time Of Diapers

New Parenting: An Unexpected Stress Test for Relationships

  • Parenting Partners or Rivals: It’s supposed to be a partnership, right? Delve deep into maintaining harmony when everything seems like a battleground.  
  • Rekindling Romance: With a tiny, demanding human in the mix, find out how you can still keep the sparks flying (OK, let’s be real – at least smoldering).

Details, Details

When: Rolling admissions  

Where: Online or at our Waterfront Location  

Who: For successful professionals who are masters at everything but feel mastered by motherhood.

Join this candid, insightful, and irreverently funny series where you’ll find camaraderie, understanding, and practical strategies for navigating the unpredictable terrain of new motherhood. Because sometimes, you just need to laugh to keep from crying. 

“Because Supermom is just a myth, not a job description.”  

Limited Slots Each Cycle.

Join us.

Still have questions?

How frequently do the support groups meet?

Our groups meet twice a month so that you can get regular support, but also have time to squeeze it into your hectic schedule. 

Do the groups meet in-person or online?

Many of our meetings are available online. You can also get even more support options via online group chats outside of the meetings. And, all of our groups have a chance to meet in-person too!

I’m scared of sharing with a group.

We know. Our clientele are all successful professionals. And, they all end up being glad that they came. Youre in control of what you share and when. If you just want to absorb information and listen to others for a while, that’s OK too. Our groups are resource-heavy, so that you will still get a lot out of each meeting.

How much do the groups cost?

Groups are our way to reach more people and help create community! Community is one of our core values and something we could use more of in the world. So, we offer many groups at low-cost or no-cost. Our new motherhood support group is even free for the first 3 sessions! 

How do I sign-up?

Just complete the registration form! Our coordinator will reach out to personally answer any questions and to help you with the onboarding process.

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