
Movie night

Keeping it reel!

Who doesn’t love curling up with a super good movie! Are you the person, who, before the credits even wrap, can’t wait to discuss and analyze every detail? Us too!

Keeping it reel!

Who doesn’t love curling up with a super good movie! Are you the person, who, before the credits even wrap, can’t wait to discuss and analyze every detail? Us too!

Our Movie Night is an entertaining indulgence, where we meet to discuss and probe the deepest hidden elements of popular and retro flicks. Together, we escape our own lives and dive into the drama on the big screen. It’s FUN, It’s INTIMATE, It’s INTERESTING.

Do you love to watch movies or wish you had a group to discuss them with?

What is it?

A fun group of intellectual and interesting people who like to discuss the psychological components of thrillers, and really movies of all genres.   

What kinds of movies do you watch?

Grab a bowl of popcorn, you are in for a real variety show! Together, we will watch and discuss modern movies, thrillers, foreign, indie pics, and even revisit the classics. 

How do you decide which movies to watch?

We pick the movies based on the psychological veins of discussion they tap into. We are especially prone to movies that challenge our expectations and add new vantages to our view of the world. And you can bet, always select titles that will make for fascinating discussions. 

What will we talk about?

  • What components of relationships are portrayed in the movie? What lessons can you apply from these relationships to your own life?
  • Does the movie spark any ideas for travel or life changes? Are there any things from the movie you feel like you would avoid in your life, why? 
  • How the movie’s settings reflect social norms and societal issues like racism and sexism? What does it say about the time it was made? 
  • Hot topics (nature of nurture? Is trauma passed on? Can personality change?) and how they apply to the movie’s themes  
  • How accurately did the plot and characters represent personality and human psychology 
  • How is family and culture represented and what do we like/dislike about it? 
  • How does psychology interplay with plot twists and the character’s life experiences? 
  • How did the movie expand our knowledge of a different place, era, or perspective? 
  • A deep dive into the psychology of the movie characters! 

We won’t discuss much of: 

Method acting, special effects, comedic timing, or film editing 

Watch with us.


When will you meet?

We will get together once a month on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. 

Do I have to join multiple meetings?

No, pop in when you can. No commitment.

Do I have to read the book?

No, but it’s more fun when you do.  

Where will the meetings occur?

The meetings will take place in our Community forum. The meetings will be presented by a live, interactive and intimate video talk. 

How do I participate?

You can sign up through our Community. This roundtable is just one of many features included in the Basic Membership package 

What if I can’t make it to a meeting?

Not a big deal at all, we will discuss topics through our Community Forum and you can also watch a recording of the discussion.  

What are some examples of the movies?

Nightmare Alley, The Godfather: Part 2, Moonrise Kingdom, 40 Year Old Version

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